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You have an IQ, but what’s your EQ?
Let me show you.

Erin Leslie

“Emotional Intelligence is the internal suit the professional wears to the office that cannot be seen or anticipated.”

Erin Leslie, President, EQFootprints

Studies have shown that applying emotional intelligence (EI) measures improves team building, employee development and leader-employee relationships.

In life, one must be equipped with certain levels of ability in order to master the skills they are greatest at, using not only the functional and practical approaches to that skill but also the reasoning, processing and emotional metering support skills that the individual possesses.


Why EQFootprints?

After realizing professional and personal achievements over 20 years as a technology business leader, EQFootprints was created to provide a coaching platform to pay that knowledge forward to the world. Erin’s leadership style is people first and as a coach, her number one goal is to get her clients to push past their immediate barrier(s) to their next success.


What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

A set of emotional and social skills that guide the way we perceive and express ourselves, cultivate and maintain social relationships, assess change, cope with challenges and use emotional

information in an effective and meaningful way.

EQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Inventory
The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0
(EQ-i 2.0) measures an individual’s
emotional intelligence.

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